Subject: Re: [KDE]
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: Christoph Leuzinger <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/02/2001 21:46:19
Am 2 Jan 2001, um 9:38 hat Frederick Bruckman geschrieben:
> You can use the old a.out binaries, with some effort. Most folks who
> commented on the process said it was just easier to upgrade all their
> packages ASAP, though...
That's what I now did as well. So, as it works now, I think, that's the
best solution anyway.
> The format of /etc/ changed, too, so it
> probably won't do any good to to enter /usr/pkg/lib there. Try moving
> to /emul/aout/usr/lib/, after creating that directory.
Unfortunately, it seems that this wouldn't work.
Thanx for your hints!
Christoph F. Leuzinger + Student @ Kantonsschule + Schaffhausen, Switzerland
ICQ# 20603375 +