Subject: Re: stupid newbie question..
To: Jordan 'da5id' Shaw <>
From: Jon Lindgren <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/19/2000 13:13:15
> > Okay, I've got this memory problem. perhaps you've heard of it..
> > anyway, what is going on is that only 15 of my 256 meg of ram is
> > being detected.. I'm forced to have the memory hole turned on in my
> > bios for various reasons.
> >
> > I was wondering if there was any way to pass the full size of my
> > memory to the kernel? or will i be stuck with 15 meg?

Just my $0.02, but this happens on all of my Compaq Proliants.  Overriding
the memory amount in the config file
(/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/config/YOURCONFIGHERE) and rebuilding works no

 "Trout are freshwater fish, and have underwater weapons."
 "Zing, zing zing zing!"
 "Keep away from the trout."
 -- The opinions expressed are not necesarily those of my employer --
 "Who stole my lawn?"