Subject: Re: cdrecord and SCSI CD-R drive.
To: None <>
From: Kou Sato <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/01/2000 00:46:18
>>>>> On Thu, 30 Nov 2000 10:34:44 +0100 (CET),
   "Kjetil B. Thomassen" <> said:

    Kjetil> I remember my first ventures into this territory with my Philips
    Kjetil> CDD-2600 and my SPARCstation 2 running NetBSD/sparc 1.4.

    Kjetil> After some help from the mailing list I was able to use, and it
    Kjetil> was quite simple. Here is a good guide:

    Kjetil> One note, though, on all other platforms than i386, you have to
    Kjetil> use dev=/dev/rcd0c instead of /dev/rcd0d. The reason for that is
    Kjetil> that the i386 platform uses partition c to denote the NetBSD
    Kjetil> portion of the disk and the d partition to be the whole
    Kjetil> disk. All other platforms use the c partition to denote the
    Kjetil> whole disk.

  Thanks for your help.   Though I still haven't found the solution,
it seems I've got a bit closer to it.   I had read some documents in
the cdrecord site, which made me pessimistic when I post the first message,
but then after I read those in NetBSD site it seems quite easy.
Now I have following questions:

   1.  Is it OK to download the origial source of cdrecord (1.9?) and build
       binaries without any patch?  It seems the document which introduces
       the feature of NetBSD says YES.

   2.  Are we suppose to utilize /dev/scsibus0 (NetBSD 1.5's new feature?),
       or we should specify the device directly such as dev=/dev/rcd0d?
  Maybe I should simply download the package & install it, but
I thought I should know how it works when I use other software like
tosha, which some document says it only works on FreeBSD box, but
a NetBSD document says it also works on our boxes.

Koh Sato