Subject: Re: I have problems installing the PostgreSQL package
To: None <>
From: Lasse =?iso-8859-1?Q?Hiller=F8e?= Petersen <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/17/2000 15:17:49
>Thus spake Lasse Hiller?e Petersen
>> For some reason it will not initialize the database. It also doesn't create
>> the pgsql user; I have tried adding this user manually (by copying the line
>> of the ingres user and changing the home and shell), to no avail. The
>> database root is not made, and thus the postmaster will not start.
>Have you added this to /etc/mk.conf?
>PGGROUP = pgsql
>PGUSER = pgsql
As the default is PGUSER=pgsql and PGGROUP=ingres, which I'm happy with,
this would probably not help a lot.
The problem really was useradd as I mentioned. I also found a message in
the archives:
>Subject: behaviour of useradd -m with existing home directory.
>To: None <>
>From: Simon Burge <>
>List: tech-userlevel
>Date: 11/03/2000 01:18:33
which describes the cause of the problem.
A simple quick-fix was to remove the mkdir line from
postgresql/pkg/INSTALL. PostgreSQL is now up and running fine.
I hesitate to submit a bug report, as I can't really say whether this is a
problem with useradd (as the message mentioned above suggests to me) which
is known, or it is a problem with the package.