Subject: Re: Problem with PCMCIA 'com' card.
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/09/2000 12:02:12
>> I'm running NetBSD 1.5_BETA on a toshiba tecra 8100 laptop. dmesg output
>> is attached (withouth the card in the system)
i have a portege 7200 (which was apparently a stupid thing to get,
regardless of how nice the laptop is) with more or less the same
problem. i've discovered that the best way to get *almost* reliable
pc card support is to insert and remove cards in pairs.
>Just a wild guess, have you set the PCIC Controller Mode in the BIOS to
i tried that. if i do that, pc cards just *don't* work, and card bus
cards sometimes crash the machine.
>See also the comments at the top of
> ...
(whimper) they don't even *list* mine.
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