Subject: ftpd behaviour
To: None <>
From: Technolord <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/11/2000 20:30:43
Hi. I have 2 machines with 1.5A2.
On both, when I use ftp services (aka, ftpd from inetd), the transfer does
not go above 100kbytes throughput. This is unwanted behaviour, and I know
the network can handle 1Mbyte/sec with no problem. Sometimes I *CAN* get
(unknown reason) get 1MB. Other machines on the network can transfer at
full speed (traffic permitting, that is :)
Another machine has 1.4.2. Sometimes, under mid-low workload (70
concurrent connections, all transferring datas), and on random times, the
ftpd hangs, and won't accept any connection/command/anything (not even
completing running files) unless a kill -HUP is done.
Any hints? Thanks!!
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