Subject: Re: history: lites
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Rakhesh Sasidharan <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/23/2000 11:11:14
On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, Richard Rauch wrote:
> Chuck Cranor's dissertation on his UVM was floating around in PostScript
> form a little ways back. I got sidetracked in my reading of it around
> page 80 (out of about 250 or 260), but he discusses the history of the BSD
> virtual memory system somewhere in the early pages.
> (I could say more of what I remember, but you're better off reading Chuck
> Cranor's dissertation. I think that there used to be a link to it off of
> the NetBSD pages, or possibly from one of Chuck Cranor's pages which in
> turn was linked to by a NetBSD UVM page.)
> Incidental: What are the odds that we can get Chuck Cranor's dissertation
> into the NetBSD distribution as supplementary documentation? If he is
> willing, and there are no legal barriers, then I would like to see it
> there. (Chuck, are you reading this? (^&)
Would you have a copy of the document with you. Or know of a link where I
could get one ?