Subject: Re: Is DVD supported? Scanners?
To: Trevin Beattie <>
From: Dr. Rene Hexel <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/27/2000 23:30:38
Trevin Beattie wrote:
> Does the current release of NetBSD support DVD, DVD-R, and/or
> DVD-video? If so, what software is required to run them? If not,
DVD works "out of the box" (SCSI and ATAPI), just like any plain old
CD-ROM (with just a bit more capacity, though). DVD-R should work if
supported by a CD writer software (you might want to take a look at
cdrecord from the packages system:
DVD video is tricky, as it not only requires the proper player software,
but for most DVD's some software is required that decrypts/unlocks the
video data ...
> Also, I was wondering what software is available for NetBSD for
> using my scanner.
Personally, I use "sane", which supports a lot of scanner models.
Take a look at
for more information.