Subject: Re: port 65336?
To: Hoang Tran <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/21/2000 16:20:09
>I didn't see this behaviour with netstat in FreeBSD and OpenBSD.
>Does this mean that netstat in NetBSD is just different?? 
>netstat -an still shows the port:
>udp        0      0  *.61050                *.*    <==== 

you can always install lsof from pkgsrc, or use two commands you
already have to work it out.

  % netstat -Aan (where the A tells netstat to give pcb addresses)
  f0a14300 udp        0      0  *.4886             *.*               
  % fstat | grep f0a14300
  root     named      26065    4* internet dgram udp f0a14300

if fstat doesn't show it, i'd be guessing that it's just an ephemeral

freebsd and openbsd might be obtaining the entire netstat table first
before looking things up.  that way the socket won't be in existence
when netstat is determining all the open sockets.

|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----|             * "ah!  i see you have the internet (Andrew Brown)                that goes *ping*!"       * "information is power -- share the wealth."