Subject: Help with PC (PCMCIA) Cards
To: None <>
From: Leonard Sitongia <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/06/2000 08:51:29

Sorry to bother the list, but I can't find help in FAQs or searching
the net.  I'm trying netBSD (1.4.1) on a couple of laptops, and hot
swapping PC Cards doesn't work.  The laptops are a Toshiba Libretto
50CT and Portege 3110.  One card is a Linksys 10base T/2 card.  If
the system is booted with the card it, it seems to find it and then
say something like "where did ne0 go?".  Nothing seems to happen
when the card is inserted or removed while the system is up.

Does netBSD need PAO layered on top of it?  I'm familiar with that,
as I have been running FreeBSD in the past.  But, I can't find
a reference to PAO in the context of netBSD, and PAO is for FreeBSD.

Thank you for your help.
==Leonard Sitongia