Subject: Re: LPVI / SparcPrinter driver
To: None <>
From: Roger Brooks <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 03/03/2000 23:59:09
On Mon, 28 Feb 100, Eduardo E. Horvath wrote:

>> Have a look at
>> It mentions a user-contributed ghostscript device driver for the
>> SPARCprinter.  I think the problem is that you'd also need a kernel
>> device driver for the interface - isn't it an Sbus card with one
>> Centronics port and one funny SPARCprinter port?
>Yes, the kernel driver is the part that's missing.  The SPARCprinter
>SBus card seems to have a regular centronics port and the special
>`lpvi' interface.  The centronics port shouldn't be too much trouble,
>but it won't work for the SPARCprinter.  The problem has always been
>to find the specs for the `lpvi' hardware.

It might be worth asking Sun if you can have the source for the
SunOS 4.1.x driver.  ISTR reading Solaris release notes when we were
doing an upgrade some years ago, and there was a list of "retired"
hardware, with a comment that customers who needed to keep using said
hardware could buy source for the device drivers and maintain it
themselves.  Wonder how much they'd charge now you can get the whole
Solaris 7 sources for ~#75?


Roger Brooks (Systems Programmer),          |  Email:
Computing Services Dept,                    |  Tel:   +44 151 794 4441
The University of Liverpool,                |  Fax:   +44 151 794 4442
PO Box 147, Liverpool L69 3BX, UK           | 