Subject: Re: aliases in kde
To: <>
From: <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/25/2000 14:50:52
>> Where do you define your aliases?
>> ~/.cshrc or ~/.login or ~/.xsession (don't know if that works)?
I'll just chuck in my random comments here. Folx, please jump on any
serious misconceptions i put in. Forgive me if the asker already knows it
well :)
.login is "startup" stuff for, how should I call them, "dumb terminal
sessions"? The things you get from login, via a serial terminal, the
console, telnet, rlogin, etc.
.xession is startup stuff for X sessions. It's thus analogous to .login,
except by the nature of X it tends to start a lot of programs. One big
difference is that your session terminates when .xsession completes (.login
just falls off the end and goes to a prompt), so the last thing run by
.xsession has to hang around for awhile. =20
.login and .xsession are only run once per session, in your "topmost" shell.
Thus they should be used for the per-session things, like background tasks
and environment variables.
.cshrc is run by every invocation of csh and tcsh (usually - seems to me
there's a switch to tell the (t)csh not to). It should thus be used to
initialise things *internal* to (t)csh, ie which are not inherited from the
caller... that's *shell* variables (made by set instead of setenv in (t)csh)
and aliases.