Subject: Re: Shell initialization
To: None <>
From: Erich T. Enke <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/24/2000 21:46:55
For bash (but should work similarly for sh):
# aliases are only set if bash is interactive - this saves time
# $- returns a string containing the options the shell was invoked with.
# If 'i' is included, the shell is interactive.
if echo $- |grep i >/dev/null; then
# Set up prompts how I like them (would have to be modified for sh)
export MYTTY=`tty |sed 's:/dev/::'`
export PS1="\n\d \t\n[\#] \u@\h:$MYTTY:\w:\\$ "
export PS2="\\$> "
# If the .bash_aliases file exists, source it. Of course you could
# just put the aliases here, but if you have many aliases, it's
# easier to manage in a separate file.
[ -f ~/.bash_aliases ] && . ~/.bash_aliases
Hope that helps,
In article <>,
Alexander Sorg <> wrote:
>"Marinier, M. Claude, G." wrote:
>> How does one setup the various shell initialization files? I have not
>> found much about this.
>Look in the manpage of the shell. There should be a description of the
>different startup-files.
>> I have one specific problem: some configure scripts fail because of my
>> 'ls' alias. I use sh and bash. The issue is what goes in the /etc/profile,
>> the ~/.bash_login (or ~/.profile), and the ~/.bashrc files.
>In the /etc/profile file goes global (for all users) stuff. The
>in the user dirs are of course user-specific.
>To prevent things like your ls-alias from interfering with scripts, you
>should write an if-claus in your .profile, so that these aliases are
>only assigned in interactive sessions. I just have an example how this
>is done in csh:
>#-------- csh example --------
>if ($?prompt) then
> # An interactive shell -- set some stuff up
> set filec
> set history = 1000
>#-------- csh example --------
>I don't know yet enough about sh to translate it apropriately.
>Hope this helps.
>Have fun,
> Alex.