, <netbsd-users@netbsd.org>
From: James T. Nelson <jnelson@wiai.com>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/21/2000 09:28:58
A manual would be great. The various books concerning unix attempt to deal
with several flavors at once. See for example, "unix unleashed" or whatever
the name is. The books by OReilly do not treat NetBSD at all, as far as I
can tell. There are also confusions between various unix's in the system
administration books. A manual devoted entirely to NetBSD would be a great
promoter of BSD. I would be willing to buy it for $50 or so in book form.
Perhaps OReilly would be willing to support the effort.
I would be willing to proof read the text, and try a few things. I am a
pedestrian user of NetBSD, however, so I would defer to other for technical
accuracy. My technical expertise is limited to fortran program development
with g77 and using pkgsrc.
Anyway, great idea.
Jim Nelson
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Crossley <toast@iinet.net.au>
To: netbsd-users@netbsd.org <netbsd-users@netbsd.org>
Cc: netbsd-help@netbsd.org <netbsd-help@netbsd.org>
Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2000 7:02 AM
Subject: Another Manual ???
>Hello NetBSD people,
>Andrew Crossley from Perth, Western Australia here.
>During the Christmas Holidays, I roughly put together an outline for an
>extensive, but easy to read manual for NetBSD. We all know what
>documnetation is available from netbsd.org, and although very helpful and
>much needed, I felt the desire to write a highly organized manual coming
>from a few different perspectives. Here are some things I thought about
>over Christmas.
>- from what I can see so far, there is no full definitive NetBSD manual.
>- My OS History: Microsoft -> Linux (many different distributions) ->
>1.4.1 (i386).