Subject: Different X configurations for different users...
To: 'NetBSD Help' <>
From: Stuart Carter <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/18/2000 11:55:51
I'm having trouble with my X configurations... I've currently
solved the problem, but you'll fall off your seats when I tell
you how...
I have an XF86Config local to each user (only a couple of users
anyway), which is then copied over the /usr/X11/lib/X11/XF86Config
by my 'x' command which does the copy, then invokes 'X'.
Yuck! I guess I'm relying on physical protection for my system,
because you have to break into my house to use it!
I'm _sure_ there must be a proper way to do it...
The two configurations are:
1) 1024x768x24bit Virtual: 1024 1300(ish)
2) 800x600x24bit Virtual: 800 600
I've tried checking all the documentation, and it has so far
baffled me.
Hope someone can help,
Pound for pound, the amoeba is the most vicious animal on earth.