Subject: Re: Files-that-are-commands.
To: None <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/18/2000 00:37:17
On Mon, 17 Jan 2000, Brian C. Grayson wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 17, 2000 at 09:23:44AM -0600, Richard Rauch wrote:
> >
> > Do I need to run -current? Or should I rebuild userland (userland is
> > still 1.4)? If I need to run -current, will this be in 1.4.2?
> You should be able to simply download the mount_portal source
> code for /sbin/mount_portal. Compile it and it _should_ work.
> There may be reasons it won't work, but I can't think of any --
> the only kernel functionality it relies on has been there for years.
> (If it does work fine, please let me know privately, in case the
> issue comes up again. I don't currently have the spare cycles to
> install 1.4 just to try this out!)
> It won't be in 1.4.2. 1.4.2 should only be bug fixes to 1.4.1,
> which was bug fixes to 1.4. This is a new feature, so 1.5 is the
> first full release that will have it.
I though the criteria for pull-up was "bug fixes _and_ new features",
the idea being not to break any existing functionality. If
"mount_portal" wasn't useful in 1-4, you should request a pull-up, as
you can't break what's already broken. A direct analogy would be the
coda file-system, which required new syscalls for several ports. Now,
if it turns out that mount_portal compiles cleanly against 1.4.1, no
kernel hooks required, it's an even better candidate than coda.