Subject: Token Ring 16/4 Adapter II
To: None <>
From: Wolfgang Helbig <helbig@Informatik.BA-Stuttgart.DE>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/12/2000 16:37:32
Trying to attach the ``16/4 Adapter II'' from IBM - w/o success. The
kernel does not recognize this card. The manual page tr(4) says,
all cards which use the TROPIC I chip are supported. I don't know
if this card is TROPIC I based.
The I/O port addresses from the installation sheet accompanying
the card look rather strange:
which have doesn't show the pattern of the tr statement in
the man page or in GENERIC.
tr0 at isa? port 0xf6a0 iomem 0xdc000 irq 9 # IBM TROPIC based Token-Ring
I tried 0xF6A0, (which I configured with the switches)
the kernel said during booting:
/netbsd: tr_isa_map_io: can't map MMIO region 0xc0000/8192
But the switch settings on the card and in the iomem statement indicated
Looking at the source taught me, that the switch settings are read
from the card. It seems to read all '1': these switch settings configure
the address 0xc0000. Reading all '1's in ISA-World usually, that the kernel
tries to read from non existing registers.
This whole experience indicates to me that this card might not be
supported by tr(4).
Unfortunately I can't supply more information about the card model number
or whatever, I only know its called
16/4 Adapter II
So maybe someone can shed some light on this situation?
Thanks in advance,