Subject: RE: add user
To: Fazekas Mihaly <>
From: Wayne Burgess <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/11/2000 20:12:57

I am also new to NetBSD.

this is the way I did it and lets say I am adding a user"michael"

1. type "vipw" this edits the passwd file the sits in the /etc dir you need
to know how to use the vi editor. type man vi for help.

2. type "mkdir /home/michael" this makes a home dir for the user in the
/home dir

3. type "chown michael /home/michael" this changes the ownership for the
michael dir to michael

4. type "chgrp 20 /home/michael" this puts the michael in the staff group

5 type ls -l /home and you will see the owner and the group that michael is

I hope this helps as this is the first time I have answered a question to
the group and I hope I have done it OK


> I'm beginner.
> how can i add new user?
> --
> Phone: 463-1966