Subject: Re: LinkSys Ethernet cards.
To: None <>
From: Phillip Rulon <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/10/2000 20:17:17
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 12:00:46 -0600
From: "benjamin p. myers" <>
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I wish i had some semblance of an idea whether or not it'd help at all for
BSD. you can get it for linux at:
will tell you how to compile for linux. Wish i could be of more help for bsd.
At 11:39 AM 1/10/00 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> > > I would recommend to contact Linksys tech support for a solution or
> > > a closer description of the bios setting changes needed.
> >
> > The web page that you quoted from doesn't raise my confidence in their
> > customer support. (^&
>I've been following this with some amusement to see if anyone else had
>better luck with their tech 'support' than I have. Last fall I bought one
>of their cards for our linux server and politely asked which chipset it
>used. After three days they responded with 'we don't support linux'.
>There's a reason their cards are cheap. Its time to move on to a more
>interested vendor ...
I just set one of these up for a Redhat 6 box, Becker's tulip code did not
run out of the box. Imagine my surprise when, after mounting the floppy,
that came with the card, I discovered a dir called "linux". In it were 2
files, tulip.c and GPL. I copyed the driver source into the kernel tree
and rebuilt/reboot. The module loaded and ran fine. I was impressed
that they shipped the linux driver in source, but even more impressed
that they included the GPL in a shrink wrapped product that I bought
from Staples.
BTW, I'd be happy to send along this code if anyone want's it.