Subject: what am I doing wrong
To: net BSD <>
From: Wayne Burgess <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/03/2000 15:51:12
Happy new year all:)

OK, here it is.

I have a box with WinNT and NetBSD as a dual boot. I also have a 50m
partition which I made in NT and has been formatted as fat.

I have read the FAQ on how to mount a dos partition but I seem to be doing
something wrong,

when I type Disklabel wd0 I get this, I added the F: partition as instructed
by the FAQ
          #        size   offset    fstype   [fsize bsize   cpg]
            a:   305424  2050272      4.2BSD     1024  8192    16   # (Cyl.
2034 - 2336)
            b:   526176  2355696        swap                        # (Cyl.
2337 - 2858)
            c:  1843632  2050272      unused        0     0         # (Cyl.
2034 - 3862)
            d:  4124736        0      unused        0     0         # (Cyl.
0 - 4091)
            e:  1012032  2881872      4.2BSD     1024  8192    16   # (Cyl.
2859 - 3862)
		f:  2050209		63      MSDOS				  # (Cyl.    0*- 2033)

I also cannot mount my floppy drive. Here are the commands I am using to
mount the floppy

1.mkdir /floppy
2.mount -t floppy /dev/fd0 /floppy

I get a return that says:- mount: mount_floppy not found for /floppy

what am I doing wrong. I am also getting the samething when I try to mount

This is driving me "up the wall" but I am sure you have all been where I am
at when you started

