Subject: Re: Difference between netBSD and freeBSD
To: Lagler, Markus <>
From: Reinoud Koornstra <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/02/1999 15:44:42
> I'm a new to this netBSD and freeBSD stuff respectivly and would like to
> know what the major differences between the two OSs are.
> The question can be formulated different: Why should I choose netBSD
> over freeBSD?
First of all, your basic intention sounds a bit strange.
I mean, why should i choose netbsd over freebsd?
Well, plz look at the pages of net and freebsd.
Netbsd is a multi platform os.
One of it's goals is to support as many platforms as possible.
Which results in writing platfrom independent code, drivers etc.
Another goal of netbsd is "clean code" i mean the developers dont just
write code and
if it works, it's great. No the code is written and rewritten with in mind
to keep things structured and overseeable....
In fact...... one of the things about which has been thought as well in
netbsd is this:
axiom 1: All programs are buggy.
Theorem 1: Large programs are even buggier then there size would indicate.
Proof is more or less by inspection.
Corollary 1 A security-relevant program has security bugs.
Comming to the conclusion that on a machine which needs to operate as
server should run as few programs as possible and the ones that are run
should be as small as possible.
In general writing clean code Is very important keeping these things in
mind. The code of netbsd is a lot.... how do i say it..... "cleaner" as
that of freebsd.
More over..... freebsd is more market driven.
It is more up to date with supporting the newest hardware and software.
In netbsd this can not so eaily be the case, which is a direct result of
the goals. Freebsd is optimized as i believe for the i386 platform.
Netbsd's goal is clean code and platform independent code, so just simply
porting drivers for hardware from freebsd is not a real good idea if you
want to keep it platform independent.
For the rest, there are many things i dont know, and surely on the mail
channel are ppl listening which know tons more about it then i ever will.
So i would ask them to correct me if i am wrong.
Look what you want to use your system for, then try to decide what is
best. Personally, i prefer netbsd.