Subject: booting problem.
To: None <>
From: Reinoud Koornstra <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/02/1999 12:50:54
I installed on my first hd openbsd, all fine.
After that i placed a new bootmanager on that hd, the bootmanager from
netbsd. It works great.
On my second hd i have the first two partitions for Freebsd and the third
for Netbsd. However only the first freebsd partiton (0) is bootable.
I had the freebsd bootmanager standing on the second hd. I replaced it
with the netbsd bootmanager.
Okay, netbsd boots fine, but now i am unable to boot freebsd.
Its freebsd 3.2.
Any suggestions how i can boot freebsd again?
Btw, i saw that the netbsd has flags 0x80.
SO that means the netbsd partition is the active one.
I guess that has nothing to do with the not booting from the bootmanager
of freebsd.
Can anyone help me out?