Subject: Re: "Router" question...
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/29/1999 18:57:04
In message <>, Mason Loring Bliss w
>ep0 = netmask broadcast
>ep1 = netmask broadcast
This looks wrong. The netmask you have for the first block includes the
second block. This can't be right. :)
I don't think you can have a subnet that isn't representable as an even
division of the whole IP address into network and host, and there's no
contiguous set of bits you can mask with that will mask out 253 and not
mask out 250...
>Is there something wrong with my assumptions about how this is supposed to
>work? It seems like the box is ignoring packets sent to it that are destined
>for other machines. I thought that such packets were supposed to be forwarded
>from interface to interface, but I may well be missing something.
Well, for one thing, the other systems would have to know this is a gateway,
but the other thing is, I don't think it'll do what you want if it says "oh,
but the person you're sending that packet to is already on your network"