Subject: VPN - How?
To: None <>
From: Claude Marinier <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/22/1999 10:10:38
If I were to build a VPN between two branch offices (we can ignore mobile
clients) and I wanted to use NetBSD to do it, how would I proceed? Would I
use IPsec, SSL, ... ?
I would not want to buy anything. I expect that one system would reside
inside one branch office and the other system would reside inside the
other branch office. They would act as routers. They would encrypt and
pass all the traffic between each other.
I hope I have provided enough information to get useful answers and not
too much so I do not limit the scope of answers.
If there is already a document outlining this, please tell me where I can
get it (I have not found one).
Thank you.
Claude Marinier, Information Technology Group
Defence Research Establishment Ottawa (DREO) (613) 998-4901 FAX 998-2675
3701 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Z4