Subject: gcc chokes on fancy symbol def (redbook)
To: None <>
From: Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D. <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/04/1999 10:24:57
Anyone trying to use the code on the CDROM that accompanies "Unix System
Administration Handbook" by Nemeth et al. should be aware that some
makefiles attempt to pass unmatched double-quotes (") as part of a symbol
definition (in CFLAGS). gcc apparently doesn't like this, in spite of the
fact that the quote has been escaped with a backslash.
Dan Killoran
The National Society for the Prevention of Abuse of Apostrophes brings you
the following reminder:
its means "belonging to it"
it's means "it is"
(Hint: if you can't remember this, just don't use apostrophes at all!)