Subject: Re: latex2html
To: Reinoud Koornstra <>
From: sL <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/24/1999 10:28:35
On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Reinoud Koornstra wrote:
> Hi All,
> I used latex since..... well since ever.... never used anything else...
> So all my documents are in latex..
So do I ;)
> Now, some of them i want to put on the web..... converting them manually
> costs so much time...... i heared there is a program called latex2html.
> Anyway knows it and uses it?
> If so, plz tell me about it, how does it work?
> Bye,
> Reinoud.
have look at HeVeA
I adopted it because I found it faster and simpler to use than latex2html,
especially on large documents.
The drawback is that one needs to have the caml compiler installed (caml
is a functional language developped at INRIA
-- see, because they don't give
us/you *BSD binaries :( ....hmmmm, maybe I should try to make one :)
Hope this helps,
Samuel Lacas
Of course it runs NetBSD
Bien s=FBr qu'il court NetBSD