Subject: Re: X Windows hang with NetBSD 1.4.1 (i386)
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Trevin Beattie <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/20/1999 06:25:40
At 11:29 am 9/20/99 +0200, you wrote:
>Maybe the filesystem is hung then ? Do you have NFS on this machine ?
>Does the HD activity led behave properly ?
I have NFS configured and the server side installed, but I usually don't
have any remote filesystems mounted (neither imported nor exported).
The hard drive appears to be working normally; there is disk activity when
I shut down X, and I'll wait another 30 seconds for update(8) to synch the
disk (I will occasionally see the drive LED blink when it does this).
Trevin Beattie "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."
{:-> --unknown