Subject: AHA-154xA (fwd)
To: None <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/11/1999 22:18:22
/~~~ Bob Durie
I am trying to find a driver for the above card [AHA-154xA] [...]
\___ Bob Durie
(PLEASE, as a point of courtesy, name the card in the body of your
message, instead of refering to ``the above card'' (from the subject
line). Subject lines are there for filtering/selecting messages; forcing
readers to refer back to subject lines in order to understand the message
body is very rude. IMHO. In your case, it actually involved at least as
much typing for you, and forces every reader to flick their attention
around needlessly.)
As it happens, since I was looking at SCSI cards around December of '98, I
happened to recognize that the AHA-154xA is probably an ISA SCSI card,
so... (This kind of detail is usually worth providing, in order to better
let people help you.)
Looking at the Machine-independant ISA drivers page,, this this is listed as a
supported card, regardless of your hardware platform. If you are using a
``GENERIC'' kernel for your platform, you probably have the support
compiled in already (have you tried it?).
If you find that it doesn't work, you may have to [re]build a kernel.
If you need help with that, see
If you have built a kernel before, it's probably best to do a ``make
clean'' in the kernel compile dir (the same place where you ``make
config'' and ``make'' to build the kernel). Ideally, ``make clean''
shouldn't be necessary, but...
Since the kernel supports the card, you probably won't find any other
drivers. If you can't use the kernel's support, then it's probably a bug
in the kernel, and you should file a bug report and/or try to fix it
yourself. (ahem) (Kernel hacking is probably a good skill to have, but
is over _my_ head, currently. *grin*)
Good luck, and feel free to ask for further assistance (though my personal
expertise is about maxed on on the topic of supporting your AHA-154xA;
"I probably don't know what I'm talking about."