Subject: Re: user can hang netbsd....
To: Reinoud Koornstra <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/07/1999 09:58:09
On Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 12:19:20AM +0200, Reinoud Koornstra wrote:
> Hi all,
> I updated the pkgsrc on my system.
> Because i couldnt find a nice browser i tryed arena.
> I installed it with the packages.
> And man..... after twice closing of arena due to a segmentation fault...
> The third time the whole system hang!!!!!!!!
> I tryed it several times! and when i try
> Many times the system hang on that./
> I run netbsd 1.4 on a i386 machine.
It's possible that the kernel fall under debbuger, but as you were running
X you didn't see it. Recompile a kernel without 'options DDB' to avoid this.
> But man... an aplication that can cause an os to hang.... that sucks deep.
> I thought the netbsd kernel was running in protected mode...
It does but this doesn't prevent bugs. All OSes have this kind of problems.
I don't think NetBSD is worse than another in this area.
> Then plz explain how an aplication can cause the os to hang?
I guess it didn't hang, just that you didn't see the ddb prompt.
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.