Subject: Question about sup.
To: None <>
From: Reinoud Koornstra <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/06/1999 00:32:28
Currently i use netbsd 1.4
I really wish to upgrade to 1.4.1
This can be done with sup easilly i believe...
I wish to get all the source here from 1.4.1 with sup and then compile all
of it from scretch,,, and then i guess i'll have 1.4.1 right?
I looked to the example files..... If i have a file with in it:
current-release=allsrc etc. does that mean... i get
all the possible new source on my system..? or do i have to add doc,
pkgsrc, security and xsrc as well in the file as well to get all the
source? I dont get it completly...
Currently i use sup to upgrade my packages only.... but i wish to upgrade
the whole system to 1.4.1 Could you maybe give me a sample of a file wich
completly upgrades all source of your system?
Of course i have to compile it after that from scretch, but that's what i
Reinoud Koornstra.