Subject: Re: scsi tape drives
To: Jeff Rhine <>
From: Roger Brooks <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/23/1999 11:59:41
On Thu, 22 Jul 1999, Jeff Rhine wrote:
>I am looking for large cap scsi tape drives for netbsd 1.4 I tried a couple of so called tape drives with scsi interfaces ,but without luck.
>I tried looking in the compatable hardware section ,but didnt find a nice list of drives might be supported such as HP 4 gig dat , perferablly I am looking for a compatiablity chart saying this type of scsi tape will work...
I have an Exabyte EXB8500 on my home machine, and it works perfectly well.
I didn't have to add anything to thq quirk table (although I've never tried
to write tapes in 2.3 GB density, which might require a quirk table entry).
One thing to beware of which applies to any helical-scan tape (Exabyte or
DAT), and may apply to some other types of device, is that the default
block sizes in tar and dump are far from optimal for modern high-capacity
tape drives, and prevent you from getting anywhere near the full capacity
of the tape. AFAIK, with an Exabyte the optimal block size is 56 KB.
Roger Brooks (Systems Programmer), | Email:
Computing Services Dept, | Tel: +44 151 794 4441
The University of Liverpool, | Fax: +44 151 794 4442
PO Box 147, Liverpool L69 3BX, UK |