Subject: Re: Need some help with modems and tty's
To: David Maxwell <>
From: Al Urbaitis <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/16/1999 17:09:20
Hi Dave
David Maxwell wrote:
> I think the trick is that the card either uses 2 irqs, 1 for
> another 'device' as you said below, OR it's a pnp card, but
> you have it hardwired on irq5? Is it a pnp, jumpered, or
> flash config type card? i.e. is there a Setup disk?
Its a jumpered device
> > I took the SB board out and did a MAKEDEV tty2, then I rebooted and
> > unfortunately the machine hung where it is trying to set up
> > ttys.
> At boot time? That's odd. Try the same setup with/without the modem
> card installed.
Without the card, the system will boot normally.
Deleting /dev/tty02 returns the system to normal
> What was the last message printed at boot time?
Setting tty flags