Subject: mkdir problem on 1.4
To: None <>
From: Brian Stark <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/14/1999 09:05:11
Has anyone else noticed this?
Using NetBSD 1.4/i386, if I issue a command like:
mkdir -p /seagate/netbsd/backups/daily
to create a new directory (and the netbsd/backups/daily part doesn't
already exist), mkdir will return an error message like:
mkdir: /seagate/netbsd/backups/daily: Is a directory
and exit with a non-zero exit level. However, mkdir does successfully
create the directories if they didn't exist.
To further complicate this, I have noticed that this only happens when
using "mkdir -p" to create directories on my /seagate file system,
which happens to be a MSDOS file system. If I do something similar,
say for my /tmp (a memory file system), mkdir does not issue any error
messages and the directories are created, as they should be.
Anyone know why mkdir is working like this? It was not doing this when I
was running 1.3.3.
| Brian Stark | Internet : |
| Siemens PT&D, LLC | Voice : +1 612 536-4697 |
| Power Systems Control Division | Fax : +1 612 536-4919 |
| 7225 Northland Drive, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota 55428 USA |