Subject: Re: Thanks! Re: Multiple IP addresses...
To: Stuart Carter <>
From: Chris Jones <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/10/1999 09:10:13
>>>>> "Stuart" == Stuart Carter <> writes:
Stuart> I love these lists! I'm now up and running
Stuart> beautifully... (well, except for sendmail complaining as
Stuart> follows:
Stuart> 451 hash map "Alias0": unsafe map file /etc/aliases: No such
Stuart> file or directory )
Stuart> Any ideas?
Stuart> /etc/aliases definitely exists.
newaliases. It rebuilds the alias database (which is what sendmail
actually reads) from the aliases file. There should be a note to this
effect right in the aliases file, FWIW. :)
Chris Jones
Mad scientist at large
"Is this going to be a stand-up programming session, sir, or another bug hunt?"