Subject: Re: amap corrupt panic?
To: Robert Alexander Baxter <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/10/1999 15:45:29
On Wed, Jun 09, 1999 at 08:37:11PM -0300, David Maxwell wrote:
> Indeed, we tested the machine by swapping out portions of
> the RAM, with no effect. Disabling the external cache did
> the trick. On that motherboard, the cache seems to be soldered,
> so it'll be an MB replacement for my friend I think. We're
> going to test the CPU, RAM, and cards on another MB first
> to be sure though.
You know, I've seen very strange things in the PC world. I had a server
(cyrix133) that crashed quite regulary, even without load. The machine was
chnaged and this one was turned into a NT workstation (not by me :),
it was loosy as well. Then whe changed the motherboard and all is fine.
Later I took this motherboard, plugged on it a p100 from a dead motherboard,
and SIMM which was replaced on another motherboard because of random
core dumps (this another machine runs fine with the new RAM).
Well, this PC, built only with "defective" pieces, is extremely stable !
So: don't throw away this MB: you'll maybe find a CPU/RAM combination which
works fine on it :)
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.