Subject: Re: Mail server
To: None <>
From: Robert Alexander Baxter <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/08/1999 11:04:44 (Hume Smith) wrote...
> ... how competent, ambitious, and vigilant is the person installing
> and operating it? ...
You could make that argument about *any* software.
Or any task whatsoever, for that matter. Perhaps some incompetent,
unambitious, and unaware person might tie my shoes together if I asked
him or her to tie my shoelaces. That doesn't mean I should get slip-on
shoes, which might come off if I run or a dog bites my foot.
I'm confident that my shoes won't be tied together if I tie my
shoelaces. I wouldn't ask someone else to do it unless I'd seen that
they knew how, and weren't malicious. Unless they were a baby learning
to tie shoes---in that case I'd check the job they did, before walking.
-Alex (:-)