Subject: Re: Kernel privileged program?
To: None <>
From: Taras Ivanenko <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 05/10/1999 08:48:24
> I need to write a program that can write to our on-board
> ROM. It is a simple read/write program, and ths I don't see
> the need to write a device driver. However, I need the same
> memory-access privileges that device drivers normally have:
> how do I write a program/set it up so that I can have access
> to memory areas normally disallowed in user mode?

Look at LKM setup , man modload, man lkm (if it exists),
/usr/share/examples/lkm (or /usr/src/sys/lkm ?) In your case the
simplest LKM which does to try to change anything in kernel may be

	Taras Ivanenko.