Subject: Re: Anyone got a particularly nice hack set?
To: None <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/28/1999 17:42:35
>>do you want mine? i use rbl and /etc/access.db and relay_based_on_mx.
>>once i converted to using m4, i've really been quite the
>Yeah, it really does help.
there ya go then! :)
>>VERSIONID(`@(#) 8.6 (Berkeley) 3/13/98')
>>FEATURE(access_db,hash -o /etc/access)dnl
>>define(`confPRIVACY_FLAGS', `goaway')dnl
>>define(`confSMTP_LOGIN_MSG', `$j Sendmail $v/$Z says it''`s $b [NO UBE/NO UCE WELCOME HERE]')dnl
>>define(`confCR_FILE', `/etc/')dnl
>What, no _JUNK_IP_RULES_? (I'm very proud to find that my crude first attempt
>at adding a feature to sendmail got standardized)
junk ip rules? what are they? if you mean being able to declare ip
addresses or blocks (only "classfully") as invalid, you can do that
via the access database (*not* the microsoft product :). just put
something like
131.107 REJECT
in your access database and you won't get any more mail from
microsoft. well...less anyway. :)
>If you don't mind my asking... What does 'dnl' at the end of a line do? I
>never have understood m4.
dnl means delete to newline. it deletes everything from itself to the
next newline. i find that cf files contain less blank lines if i do
this. i don't like too many blank lines.
|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----| * "ah! i see you have the internet (Andrew Brown) that goes *ping*!" * "information is power -- share the wealth."