Subject: Re: Anyone got a particularly nice hack set?
To: Andrew Brown <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/28/1999 16:20:18
In message <>, Andrew Brown writes:
>do you want mine? i use rbl and /etc/access.db and relay_based_on_mx.
>once i converted to using m4, i've really been quite the
Yeah, it really does help.
>VERSIONID(`@(#) 8.6 (Berkeley) 3/13/98')
>FEATURE(access_db,hash -o /etc/access)dnl
>define(`confPRIVACY_FLAGS', `goaway')dnl
>define(`confSMTP_LOGIN_MSG', `$j Sendmail $v/$Z says it''`s $b [NO UBE/NO UCE
>define(`confCR_FILE', `/etc/')dnl
What, no _JUNK_IP_RULES_? (I'm very proud to find that my crude first attempt
at adding a feature to sendmail got standardized)
If you don't mind my asking... What does 'dnl' at the end of a line do? I
never have understood m4.