Subject: Re: sendmail - mail relays
To: None <>
From: Tom Trebisky <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/27/1999 18:01:10
> In message <>, Tom Trebisky wrote:
> > 1) Figure out enough of to figure out how to turn this
> > off (this is one file in the world I was hoping I would never have
> > to tangle with).
On Mon, Apr 26, 1999 at 10:17:42PM -0500, wrote:
> It's not *THAT* bad.
It's bad 'nuff - but what I did do is as follows:
1) grabbed sendmail-8.9.3-tar.gz from
2) built a new sendmail and put it in /usr/libexec/sendmail
2) copied cf/cf/ over /etc/
3) changed a couple of things (this file wants /etc/
and /etc/mail/relay-domains).
4) fired it up and verified that I am no longer a mail-relay.
(and that I can still send and receive mail).
> > it .... why is neither netbsd or linux "shipping" with 8.9.x??
> I believe the licensing rules changed.
I'll bet you are right.
The LICENSE looks fine to me, but so does the GPL, and the Berkeley
license, and anything that doesn't come from a car dealer or department
store (or bad Bill in Redmond).
THANKS! to the 8 or so folks that emailed me with advice.
Tom Trebisky MMT Observatory University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85721
(520) 621-5135