Subject: Re: sendmail - mail relays
To: Tom Trebisky <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/26/1999 22:17:42
In message <>, Tom Trebisky writes:
> 1) Figure out enough of to figure out how to turn this
> off (this is one file in the world I was hoping I would never have
> to tangle with).
It's not *THAT* bad.
> 2) Install the sendmail 8.9.3 that I just FTP'd and make sure that
> it doesn't set itself up as an open mail relay.
It should be easy enough to disable it...
> 3) Decide whether to make unkind comments about finding myself in
> this situation in the first place. Sendmail 8.9.x specifically
> seems to exist to address the mail relay problem. Is every netbsd
> machine out there an open mail relay? Have I just buggered my
> installation (by not fiddling with at all ??)
8.8.5 can be secured; I believe there's a few sites with more info.
which should have pointers to various anti-relay stuff.
> Any help or info would be appreciated, otherwise the default course
> for tomorrow AM is to look at sendmail 8.9.3. Curiously enough,
> a linux box I have running Red Hat 5.2 runs sendmail 8.8.7,
> and it is not a mail relay .... maybe I can learn some tricks from
> it .... why is neither netbsd or linux "shipping" with 8.9.x??
I believe the licensing rules changed.