Subject: Re: NetBSD-friendly ISP's?
To: None <>
From: Bruce Anderson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/15/1999 19:15:00
Call the ISP's in your area and ask if they "use" UNIX, *BSD or Linix
for their servers. Also look for small ISP's rather than big ones,
so that when you call the technical help number you get to talk
with some one who knows what's going on (wares more than one hat).
"Yes, I use UNIX. Why are you laughing?!"
On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 1:19 AM, Peter Seebach <>
> Anyone know of
>an ISP (ideally either national or in Denver) that supports NetBSD?
>I'm not big enough to open a POP in Denver just for my mom. ;-)
>"works okay with" would be good enough. I seem to recall I got
>connected okay to Mindspring, but I'd love to see an ISP actually
>say they support users with free OS's.