, Frederick Bruckman <fb@enteract.com>
From: Brian Buhrow <buhrow@cats.ucsc.edu>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 04/15/1999 10:48:42
Isn't he thinking of the autoindent feature in vi? Once you set the
indentation, turn on wrapmargin, you're set for the auto-justification.
On Apr 15, 5:44am, Andrew Brown wrote:
} Subject: Re: NetBSD-friendly ISP's?
} >> >Speaking of which: Are there any text editors which have a mode
} >> >where paragraph justification happens constantly? Emacs probably
} >> >has one, but I don't think I want to start my mom on Emacs. ;-)
} >>
} >> i think pico (part of the pine distribution) is what you want. but i
} >> hate pico, so don't ask me how to use it. :)
} >
} >Well, "pico" will wrap lines (so can "vi"), but to make it rejustify you
} >have to hit Control-J. That's still not what Peter wants, which is to
} >justify automatically. The only editor I've ever seen that does that, runs
} >on a Macintosh, but you probably don't want to hear about that... :)
} that's funny...i was sure it did that automatically. that was the
} only explanation i could come up with for why things like sendmail.cf
} and named.boot got royally screwed up when edited by admin that was
} not me.
} it also "solves" the problem of people sending me long-lined log
} snippets that are "line-wrapped" at about that column in an
} infuriating manner. and why, after i "unwrap" them for a reply, the
} reply to my reply has them wrapped again.
} --
} |-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----|
} codewarrior@daemon.org * "ah! i see you have the internet
} twofsonet@graffiti.com (Andrew Brown) that goes *ping*!"
} andrew@crossbar.com * "information is power -- share the wealth."
>-- End of excerpt from Andrew Brown