Subject: Re: sup
To: None <>
From: Zach Fine <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 02/24/1999 12:16:49
>>>>> "Brad" == Brad Salai <> writes:
Brad> At 4:54 PM +0000 2/24/99, Patrick Welche wrote:
>>> fredfl2: /home/fredfl2 # sup -a supfile SUP 8.26 (4.3 BSD) for
>>> file supfile at Feb 24 23:09:03 SUP: Can't find my host entry
>> That often means that your hostname isn't set. Try hostname
>> [name-of-host] and maybe create /etc/myname containing it for
>> next reboot.
It's always bugged me that instructions for setting up networking
invariably ask users to reboot their machine. AFAIK this is completely
unnecesary for NetBSD, all that needs to be done is to take one's
machine off the network and then run 'sh /etc/netstart' again. Maybe
it would be worthwhile to develop a /etc/netstop script to make the
process easier.
Am I missing something? Is it really necessary to reboot one's machine
as if it were a Mac or Wintel box? Wouldn't a couple of 'ifconfig ep#
delete' type commands clear all the old settings?
Thanks for any info.
-Zach Fine