Subject: FTP client does improper use of NLST primitive ???
To: None <>
From: Brian Stark <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/19/1998 20:58:45
I've got two questions: What is the "NLST primitive" in our ftp program
and is there really a problem with the "NLST primitive" in NetBSD 1.3.2?
I got the following message from the other day (BTW, that
server also gives the same message when I connect from an AIX 4.2.1
callisto:bstark$ ftp
ftp> open
Connected to
[... deleted for space ...]
ftp> cd pub
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> ls -lrt
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for -lrt.
[... deleted for space ...]
226-Previous subprocess reported following to stderr:
226- ls: WARNING: Your FTP client does improper use of NLST primitive!
226 Transfer complete.
ftp> status
Connected and logged into
No proxy connection.
Gate ftp: off, server (none), port 21.
Passive mode: off.
Mode: stream; Type: binary; Form: non-print; Structure: file.
Verbose: on; Bell: off; Prompting: on; Globbing: on.
Store unique: off; Receive unique: off.
Preserve modification times: on.
Case: off; CR stripping: on.
Ntrans: off.
Nmap: off.
Hash mark printing: off; Mark count: 1024; Progress bar: on.
Use of PORT cmds: on.
Command line editing: on.
ftp> rstatus FTP server status:
-Version 4.1458
-Connected to
-Logged in anonymously with `passwd' of: `'
-TYPE: ASCII, FORM: Nonprint; STRUcture: File; transfer MODE: Stream
-No data connection
-Internal stderr-dump present, fileno:2
-Last subprocess had status: 0x0000
211-Previous subprocess reported following error(s) to stderr:
211- ls: WARNING: Your FTP client does improper use of NLST primitive!
211 End of status
| Brian Stark | Internet : |
| Siemens PT&D, LLC | Voice : +1 612 536-4697 |
| Power Systems Control Division | Fax : +1 612 536-4919 |
| 7225 Northland Drive, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota 55428 USA |