Subject: USB keyboards
To: None <>
From: Thomas Lemm <Thomas.Lemm@Physik.Uni-Marburg.DE>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/09/1998 17:39:32
You said usb keyboards worked netBSD. Now if I attached more than one keyboard,
Is there a way to access them independantly. Thus turning my pc into a multi
head computer. What about more than one Display? And last but not least
Can I run AND configure more than one X(Free85...) session that it takes
its input only from a specified (usb) keyboard and puts its output only on one
specified graphic card (monitor).
I am thinking about building some multi head X servers using netBSD and
these questions answered would be essential.
I did not see this topic (multi head pc) on your FAQ. would you care to add it?