Subject: Re: FrontPage Extentions
To: Chris Ewert <>
From: Brett Lymn <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/02/1998 12:13:55
According to Chris Ewert:
>Has anyone ported FrontPage Extentions to NetBSD or know how I can set
>them up? I am running NetBSD 1.3.2 and Apache1.3.3.
I have not done this on NetBSD but (applying look of confidence that
may be misplaced) the extensions are really only a hack on top of
apache. I would expect the hacks would be _reasonably_ portable. The
best thing to do would be give it a try! Don't expect any help from
M$, my experiences with getting the stuff running on Solaris were that
they cover configuring the extensions in glowing detail on an IIS+NT4
system but with unix you are on your own. I may be overly cynical but
it does seem to be another ploy to wedge NT+IIS into the web serving
space (it _very_ nearly worked here at work too :-/ )
Brett Lymn, Computer Systems Administrator, British Aerospace Australia
And the monks would cry unto them, "Keep the bloody noise down!"
- Mort, Terry Pratchett.