, NetBSD-help <netbsd-help@netbsd.org>
From: Dave Millen <webmaster@largesalad.co.uk>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/01/1998 10:10:23
Brett Lymn wrote:
> According to Dave Millen:
> >
> >Ownerships and permissions are as follows:
> >
> Unless I am muchly mistaken sendmail needs to be setuid and setgid but
> I cannot recall the particular group is should be in. Are you sure
> you restored your permissions correctly when you did the restore?
I've already set setuid and setgid, and the groups seem to be the same as in both
1.3.2 and the October snapshot(arm32), but I still have the same problem :(
It's really infuriating, because it used to work perfectly for both local and
internet mail.
Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot!
e-mail: webmaster@largesalad.co.uk
net: http://www.largesalad.co.uk/DJMsoft/