Subject: Re: Problems with dual Adaptec 2940-UW controllers
To: Scott Burns <Scott.Burns@Netcontech.Com>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/16/1998 09:35:38
We've used two 2940 (not UW) in an old P133 here, so it _should_
be possible :)
What IRQ does the second card end up with - is it possible its
being used by something else in the machine, maybe an ISA device?
-=- and team B will be... Kenny. -=-
On Mon, 16 Nov 1998, Scott Burns wrote:
> We just started to receive the parts for our new NT killer NetBSD server
> and we have hit a snag right off the start. Installing two Adaptec 2940UW
> controllers on different IRQs, one with bios disabled (not the bootable
> one), and one with it enabled (the lower of the two PCI numbers as per the
> adaptec menus) the install hangs.
> We are installing from the NetBSD cd-rom which was sold from NetBSD.Com
> earlier this year and it hangs right at the point where it prints biomask,
> ttymask, netmask etc. If we remove the second controller the main
> installation menu pops up. I think the step after this one (masks etc) is
> where the kernel dumps out the root partition information etc. Anyone have
> any ideas whats up ?
> Some more info:
> Brand new Adaptec 2940-UWs (BIOS V1.3.34 I think, I will gather much more
> detailed info if know one knows about this already)
> Hangs with or without hard drives installed on second controller.
> Interesting that the kernel probes and finds both controllers and drives
> (if drives are installed on the second controller).
> Another interesting thing is I have these controllers and drives programmed
> for 40 MHz but the
> kernel probe comes up with 20MHz ???
> Haven't had a chance to switch around controllers yet, could be a bad
> controller I guess but I don't think so.
> Machine is a new Compaq Prosignia 200 with 96MB RAM, primary IDE controller
> disabled, secondary IDE has CDRom which is found OK.
> Scott Burns
> Scott.Burns@Netcontech.Com
> P.S. On a side note we have a Adaptec 2920C which we hope to install as
> well to run our DAT24x6 changer. Installing it alone (non of the 2940's),
> the Ctrl-A message does not appear. Docs say even if this Ctrl-A banner is
> programmed off hitting Ctrl-A should still work, it does not. The bios chip
> is installed on this card, it is a new card I think. It was lying around
> the office. The card does come up with it's banner saying V3.0 firmware,
> finds the tape drive etc. Is this card supported under V1.3.2 ? I need to
> get the bios turned off on this guy as it is not going to be the boot card
> of the 3 Adaptecs and I think I have to have the bios off on all cards but
> the one to be booted.
> P.P.S. PCI Slot 1 seems to be hooked to the onboard E-Net card. The ENet
> card is recognized ok by the kernel. Can this slot be used with say an
> adaptec without worry that they are both using the same IRQ ? No matter
> what IRQ I set the ENet too it changes PCI slot 1 to that IRQ and vice
> versa. Very odd. This slot is not being used related to the problem with
> the dual cards above to simplify troubleshooting.