Subject: Re: multiple OS boot
To: <>
From: Adam Laurie <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/08/1998 00:17:17
Michael C. Richardson wrote:
> Did you use the new NetBSD partition ids? Until 1.3.2, NetBSD used the
> same partition IDs as FreeBSD and OpenBSD (used to).
Nope - I used the only one that I could - the one that NetBSD chose for
me, which is the old one. I installed from the 1.3.2 release CD, which I
guess is prior to the new ID code.
However, I've just downloaded a fresh boot floppy, and tried to
re-install, but you end up in an amusing catch-22 situation - the
bootstrap code auto detects the old FreeBSD partition code, warns you
about it, but then uses that code for the NetBSD partition, so you can't
create one with the new ID even if you want to...
The only way around this I've found is to drop out to a shell and
manually edit the partition table and set the target partition to ID 169
before attempting an install (strangely, even setting all BSD partitions
to zero still didn't stop it from using the old ID - possibly because it
sees the shared BSD partition on my second hard disk?).
FEEDBACK: I would suggest that the partitioning utility should give you
the option to force the choice between old and new in order to make life
slightly less complex...
Anyway, I now have a working system, so thanks for all the help...
Adam Laurie Tel: +44 (181) 742 0755
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